News Company Industry

Korea Dual residence

Pub Time:2018-09-14 17:35:52

The house is located on a sloped corner site in the Innovation City, and it's looking at a distant mountain in the northeast. The site is sitting at an intersection of a mixed-use housing block and a general dispatched housing block. To use the existing slope, the floor of the retail area on the 1st floor is divided from its corner into two in a diagonal direction, and the level of those two floors are set differently in order to maximize spatial flexibility. 

For the house on the 3rd floor, its access, entrance and living room are designed to offer a view to the mountain in the northeast. The living room is placed on a space where the mass is segmented in two directions so that it can be linked with a deck outside and also take advantage of natural ventilation all the time.We are living in the era of single households. Yet in Ulsan, decent housings for them are very scarce. For the people who are living in a rented house under the circumstances, the architect wanted to create a quality space.