All of the exhibition design is a kind of information exchange, it is also natural to meet the main characteristics of information exchange. In 1948, the American scholar H.D (Lasswell H.D) in the "structure and function of communication in society", the first proposed the five basic elements of information process, the general process of information activities and the elements of a detailed study and induction. Five basic elements are:
Who (who)
What Say (say).
Which channel In (through what channels)
Whom To (who says)
What effect Which (what effect)
Therefore English expression of these five factors are the beginning of a "W" word, it is known as the "5W" mode. This model is not complicated, it is said that any information activity process is composed of five parts: the main body of information dissemination, the information content, the dissemination of information dissemination channel, the dissemination object and the dissemination effect. Take the World Expo as an example, "who" the element is the national, regional or enterprise; "what" is the theme of the World Expo, the use of the exhibition or display, and other media to spread their own national image or corporate culture; "who said" this element is the object of the exhibitors, visitors, is a specific customer group in the eyes of the show. These five aspects or elements of the combination, it constitutes a display of information dissemination process. Of course, this method has some limitations, because this is a one-way linear movement mode of information, not to provide a channel for the audience to generate feedback information. And modern display more attention to information feedback, makes display activities out of the static, chain structure has gradually become a cycle, the cycle of dynamic "ring." Among them, the first of the "ring" is connected with the tail, that is, the formation of a complete loop between the host or the dealer and the visitor or the consumer, so that the information sender sends the original information to be enriched, and strengthens the "ring".