A business may have a lot of competitive advantages, but these advantages are your core competitiveness, we say a competitive advantage to become your core competitiveness, because this should have the following conditions: first, to have the exclusive is the only. If one of the advantages of an enterprise can be easily copied by competitors, or by means of a quick reconstruction, then it is not your core competitive advantage. The uniqueness and permanence of competitiveness is largely determined by the survival of your business. The expertise that breeds in the entire system, based on the experience of long-term discipline and practice, is more competitive than the establishment of a single elite management group or a patent. Second, should have a certain expansion. That is to say, to provide strong support for the development of enterprises, the competitiveness of a series of products or services have a promotion effect. Third, pay attention to customer experience value. He can give customers the benefits of nature to solve the customer's needs, such as Apple's mobile phone to meet customers in addition to the basic needs of the phone and SMS, but also to meet the needs of a large number of customers, and he and dealers and suppliers to deal with the business activities and customers are not much related.
How to create value? This will mention the core competitiveness of enterprises, enterprises should think about how to build and strengthen their core competitiveness, the use of core competitiveness to create value, so as to stand on the basis of sustainable development. The so-called core competitiveness is your unique competitive advantage. Just now I have said, Ali financial and other P2P compared to his core competitiveness in what place? Big data, and he also has a technology to convert these big data into the credit rating of the loan applicant, which is his core competitiveness, which is not the other P2P. Other P2P companies do not have data, but also to talk about how to convert these data to credit rating, to control credit risk.
Product price, just the opposite, these small and medium enterprise product prices are often high, because the production of small, high cost, he is on the "diamond", with this diamond in the market has some irreplaceable.